Some images, quotes and comics that feel supportive and nourishing to us in some way

​ Note: this is an incomplete and imperfect list. The intention is to update and revise it from time to time
Trauma and Recovery (book), Judith Herman
The Body Keeps the Score (book), Bessel van der Kolk
https://www.jimhopper.com (website by Jim Hopper, PhD, addressing the following topics: child abuse; sexual assault & the brain, brain healing & happiness, mindfulness & meditation, and healing resources)
Waking the Tiger (book), Peter Levine
Introduction to the Internal Family Systems Model (book about a particular therapy model often used for trauma), Richard Schwartz
Decolonizing Trauma Work: Indigenous Stories and Strategies (book), Renee Linklater
My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies (book), Resmaa Menakem
The PTSD Workbook: Simple Effective Techniques for Overcoming Traumatic Stress(book), Mary Beth Williams, Soili Poijula
Overcoming Trauma Through Yoga: Reclaiming Your Body (book), David Emerson, Elizabeth Hopper
Growing Beyond Survival: A Self-Help Toolkit for Managing Traumatic Stress, Elizabeth G. Vermilyea
In My Own Moccasins: A Memoir of Resilience (book/memoir), Helen Knott
A Mind Spread Out on The Ground (book of essays), Alicia Elliott
Blue Knot Foundation (website with information and resources about complex trauma)
International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation: Public Resources (FAQ's and fact sheets about trauma and dissociation)
Rethinking Resilience: Resilient Rebecca and Nelly Not So Much, (short YouTube video) Tracy Farrell
The Psychedelic Therapy Podcast: Episodes: Bessel van der Kolk, A Revolutionary Treatment for Trauma; Veronika Gold (Polaris Insight), Creating a Ketamine Clinic; Rachel Yehuda (Mount Sinai): Studying the Science of Psychedelics and PTSD; Richard C. Schwartz, Ph.D (Internal family Systems: IFS and Psychedelic Assisted Therapy
The Politics of Mental Health (article), Psychotherapy Networker, Bessel van der Kolk
"Are Sexual Abuse Victims Being Diagnosed with A Mental Disorder They Don't Have?" (article), The Guardian, March 27, 2019
Nurturing Resilience: Helping Clients Move Forward from Developmental Trauma--An Integrative Somatic Approach (book), Kathy L. Main & Stephen J. Terrell
Ketamine Research Institute (website with videos offering information about ketamine-assisted-psychotherapy)
Health as a Human Right, Erin Gilmer (blog); Including such posts as: Trauma Informed Care Principles and Betrayal Trauma
Self-Compassion (website of Kristin Neff, PhD, with exercises and other information)
The Ketamine Papers: Science Therapy and Transformation (Book, edited by Phil Wolfson MD and Glenn Hartelius PhD)
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (Book by Pat Ogden and Janina Fisher)
https://www.stephenporges.com (website by the author of the Polyvagal Theory)
https://www.rhythmofregulation.com (website by Deb Dana, LCSW, re Polyvagal Theory)

A cocker spaniel with mountains, the ocean and a dock in the background

Doing the best we can is okay

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A cocker spaniel with mountains, the ocean and a dock in the background